Unless you’ve become completely disgusted following the Presidential campaign, you’ve undoubtedly heard the latest contentious statement being bantered about. The presidential hopeful is claiming that there is an “enemy from within.”
I chuckled when I heard that term. Not because it’s funny in any way, but I instantly compared it to the spiritually based inner work I do in my Perfect Life Awakening program.
So often when a new student gets their shovel out and starts delving inside, they realize how deep they actually have to go. And, just as often, they get pissed at what they now call their “enemy from within,” their subconscious nemesis controlling everything about them going on far too-many-to-count lifetimes.
In some ways, that’s true. At least it feels that way. But really, the “enemy” is simply the primitive part of us that only wants to make sure we survive. That’s its one and only job. And it’s “dead serious” about it (bad joke, sorry!).
I try convincing them to think of that “enemy” as a frightened child. A child that responds best to nurturing, being listened to and rewarded for good behavior. Anger, discipline and punishment only bring out its annoying qualities: Brattiness, stubbornness and rebelliousness. Among other things.
Unfortunately, since this “enemy” has been programmed in an abundance of negative ways for years and lifetimes, it does its survival gig in some “interesting” ways. Ways that often feel like it’s more of an adversary, sabotaging everything you do.
The Bigger Picture
Right now, all of us are doing deep inner work on a planetary level from what’s going on politically.
As a transformational facilitator, I view life through a lens of looking at the Bigger Picture. I aim to understand the lessons showing up and the evolutionary shifts that are happening. Changes that need to happen in society, nationally, globally and most importantly, internally.
Significantly, I witness the subconscious guilt from the past that needs to be remembered, brought forward, cleaned up and balanced out.
This needs to happen on a personal level, which is why it is showing up for us in magnified ways.
Circling back to that “enemy from within” comment, what a perfect reminder that underneath it all, we are all the same. Although each of us manifests ourselves in unique ways, we share the same fears, the same desires, the same Life Purpose.
The problem we have is not wanting to admit that. Why? Because then we wouldn’t have to admit the mirrors being shown to us by those so-called “others.”
Yes, It’s All Mirrors
As I say over and over and OVER, since energy can’t ever go away, any aspect of ourselves that we have suppressed or denied will always show up in some way. Push down on one side of a seesaw and the other side always comes up.
Throughout history, there’s been a constant “pushing down the other side of the seesaw” going on. My sense is, to really heal this planet, all that denial needs to be addressed on a global level. Honestly, I do think that’s happening, albeit slowly, with everything being shoved in our faces.
Watching a politician run for office defining us as being different from “them,” we’re being given the opportunity for massive inner growth. How? Be looking deep inside and seeing if we are doing the same thing in some way.
Remember the mirror Rule of Thumb: If something pushes your button, it’s a mirror. Always.
Granted, the mirror we are being presented is magnified, but mirrors never lie.
Admitting Truth
Those Big Mirrors being presented politically are valuable gifts to help spur our awakening on a massive scale. Not by fighting back or judging the button pusher; rather by willingly looking inside, ignoring the grumbling part of us insisting “But I’m not like that!”
Start by asking yourself how you are judging people, categorizing and separating them in some way? In what ways do you feel different than or better than others? What internal battle are you fighting? Where are you trying to tear down rather than build up?
Most importantly, what desperate measures do you take when feeling hopeless? Do you blame, invalidate or fall into victimhood?
Whatever judgmental words you notice yourself saying or thinking, turn them inward toward yourself and see if you are judging yourself in the same or similar ways. Tell the truth!
Forced Growth
Through the years, I’ve noticed that people who sign up for my PLA classes do so because something dramatic happened in their life, something that shook them to their core. Like an addict hitting rock bottom. A business going bankrupt, forcing them to question what their true purpose is. A tragedy that pushes them to seek answers. Frustration with a repetitious life pattern.
They may have tried various genres of self-help programs, personal development trainings, spiritual disciplines or religion, but nothing worked permanently. Their problems kept repeating, increasing their frustration, thinking there was something wrong with them since nothing worked.
Compare that to what’s happening in America. The dramatic events of these last several years are our greatest wake-up call. We’ve tried everything to no avail. Superficial answers, quick fix solutions, ignoring – nothing worked.
As I tell my students, we need to get to the roots. We need to address the true intentions we have as a nation. Do we really believe the precept that all men are created equal? Do we truthfully ascribe to the notion of freedom for all? And how about those inalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?
When my students allow their denial to come out by admitting their subconscious, true intentions, only then does healing begin. But, like that crucial First Step in A.A., it can be terrifying to admit the truth.
It may seem counterintuitive, but I state this with decades witnessing this phenomenon: The more you discover those denied aspects of yourself, allowing them to come forward, the more you heal, the more deserving you feel and the more empowered you become.
By seeing what’s being mirrored to you, the instant need to judge others stops and you are left with true compassion and connectedness --- your ultimate Higher Consciousness goal.
It gets easier when you realize that regardless of political affiliation, race, religion, gender or national boundaries, all humans have the same principles, and all want the same thing: Love.
Each of us is forging a path through darkness that’s creating a ripple effect assisting the evolution of this planet. By admitting our own “enemy from within,” we are transforming from fear to love. Others are joining in whether they know it consciously or not.
Recognize when fear is managing your Inner Operating System. It gets easier.
Remember who you truly are; then know who everyone is -- Higher Consciousness, authentic, loving, empowered beings with a unique purpose in being.
The more you do that, that silly “enemy within” shrinks like a deflating balloon, collapsing in a corner, no longer needing to give us that lesson.
Sensing it’s time to take a deep look at your “enemy from within?” Ready to evolve to what’s possible by getting connected to who you really are? Discover and neutralize the origins of subconscious fears and limiting programmed beliefs controlling you. Reach out to me at Royce@RoyceMorales.com or go to my website at www.PerfectLifeAwakening.com.
I am the author of three books about my teachings: “Want: True love, past lives and other complications;” “Know: A spiritual wake-up call;” and “Back: Rebirth After Stroke,” all available on www.amazon.com