Spiritually minded people won’t be too surprised to hear me say that there are huge lessons being presented during this unprecedented time in history. However, what are they? How can we learn them? And do they really need to be so friggin’ dramatic?
Even those strongly committed to a higher consciousness path may find it difficult, if not impossible, to maintain the “It’s all happening for a reason” attitude during this global commotion. Some are pulling further away from living in the physical world, while others debate whether their spiritual discipline is practicable at all during this demanding period.
You probably know that us “spiritual types” are pigeonholed as being passive, peaceful, pensive. We’re seen as spouting “It’s all good” after reading the news. We give sympathetic smiles to those upset by politics; offer shoulders of comfort to anyone feeling dejected by the state of the world. Or the planet.
Because of these stereotypical notions, it’s paradoxical to imagine seeing us as social activists, involved in politics, or taking a vocal stand about even the most pressing issues.
We’ve been told that spiritual practitioners are supposed to renounce worldly concerns, right? Worrying about policy particulars, going on protest marches, and being involved in political discourse seems incongruent with the higher consciousness policy of ‘close your eyes and go within’ to achieve inner peace.
There are some who criticize this introspective focus, judging that it amounts to navel-gazing, ignoring civic responsibility, sidestepping social problems, and disregarding planetary health.
In other words: Denial.
Perhaps because of the above, there are not many examples of spiritual people succeeding well in politics. Cast your memory back to California’s Governor Jerry Brown when he was open about his spiritual leanings and was nicknamed ‘Governor Moonbeam.’ Or Marianne Williamson’s recent attempts to run for offices, being teased relentlessly about her spiritual stance.
However, both Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. based their political philosophies on spiritual convictions, the principle of nonviolent resistance. They demonstrated not only its moral veracity, but its political effectiveness.
Taking Real World, Purposeful Action
When I began dabbling in spirituality in my early twenties, I thought it was a requirement to pull away from living ‘of the world,’ an unbreakable law to focus all my time and energy within. I bought into the notion that all I had to do was meditate, pray, and state positive affirmations, and everything would manifest. I’d be able to attract my soul mate, lose twenty pounds, heal all illnesses, and change the world.
All by sitting in full lotus position.
Sometimes it worked, and just as often, it didn’t. My frustration with random workability inspired the creation of my own spiritual teachings that had a much more constant success rate.
Notably, I discovered that, doing inner work, having transformational experiences, profound realizations, and remembering past lives but not taking Real World action, could nullify spiritual gains.
Compare it to reading a cookbook, imagining the yummy taste of the food, memorizing the recipes, but never buying ingredients, cooking them, or feeding that delicious result to your family.
Yes, focusing within is imperative. But one of the goals needs to be discovering your unique, inner-guided purpose in being alive. Then, that gift from your higher consciousness, must be expressed, given away, acted upon, or it becomes a guilt-ridden burden.
And, those burdens are really, really heavy.
Keep in mind that your purpose does not have to be lofty or grand, like discovering the cure for cancer or saving whales. It could be simple, and it’s anything you do with pure, loving intent, no need for recognition or ego strokes.
What We Came Here to Do
It’s becoming increasingly apparent that higher consciousness beings are supposed to be venturing out in the world, lovingly expressing the truth, assisting the planet in powerful yet peaceful ways. We have important gifts to bring, and it’s time to step up and become critical mass, both physically as well as energetically.
It’s what we came here to do.
As a spirit, you chose every aspect of your life – your body, your parents and family, the society, and circumstances you were born into – all for particular lessons and challenges to spur your evolution and help clean up forgotten things you’ve done in the past.
What that means on a societal level is, even if you didn’t vote for someone, on a conjoined soul level you (we) did choose them.
It’s all about what we need to learn collectively and personally.
I say this with full certainty: There are many who have chosen to be on this planet during this time to do extraordinary things. Only extraordinary beings would choose to be here during these tumultuous, divisive, and confusing times.
I know that we are here to help wake up and remind others repeatedly that love is who we are, and love is the only way to transcend fear.
Master the Lessons
Just as students can’t advance to algebra until they pass basic math, life lessons repeat until they are mastered. On a spiritual level, history repeats itself until enough people get, and live the Big Lessons being presented. Only then will the consciousness of the world shift.
In other words, when enough of us fully grasp that war never solves a problem (never has), war will continue. And, going deeper: Until we resolve our own “inner war mentality” -- the part of us that spontaneously strikes out either internally or externally at others or ourselves when something bothers us, war will continue.
Here are some big Universal Lessons being presented glaringly during these oh-so- remarkable times:
1) We are all the same, manifesting in unique ways. We’ve been struggling with this one forever. How can we get along with others who seem different from us? Underneath the masks we wear, cultural differences, or differing opinions, we have the same needs, the same fears, the same Purpose - giving and receiving love in the form it is meant to take for us. Those in positions of power who seem opposite from that are powerful ways this lesson is being presented.
2) Social and political issues are spiritual. Hunger, health care, equality, abuse, war, body autonomy and ecological respect are all ethical and highly spiritual issues. We are here to take a loving, non-judgmental stand to defend these spiritual concerns during these times of hostility, contempt, and divisiveness.
3) Others are perfect mirrors. When we feel angry at others, it’s because they are reflecting our deeply denied (subconscious) issues. The angrier we feel about what “they” are doing, the more they are showing what we’ve suppressed about ourselves.
Stated another way, by seeing what’s being mirrored, we can take responsibility for “attracting” people and situations for the Higher Consciousness lessons they provide. We magnetize what will wake us up best. Yes, including politicians and those in power.
4) We believe we don’t deserve. We have a core (subconscious) notion convincing us that we don’t deserve love, power, joy, health, money, etc. So, when positive things show up, part of us subconsciously tries to sabotage or destroy them. Noticing this pattern, along with discovering and neutralizing where it came from, can allow deservingness to flourish and love to be graciously accepted from self and others.
5) The real reason for activism. Often, we are drawn to help particular situations as a way to resolve something within ourselves. Like the person denying their addictive personality becoming a drug counsellor; the relationship therapist who cannot commit to marriage.
Until we clear our personal issues when trying to help others, we will be coming from anger, judgment and trying to change others (ourselves, really) which only intensifies the problem. Once we do, the help we give will feel pure and loving, not from a duty-filled, desperate, angry position. We will still feel passionate about our direction, but from pure compassion.
So, go ahead, sit in full lotus position. Keep on looking within. Master your spiritual lessons. But simultaneously, take a pure, loving, powerful stand in the world.
Honestly, we need us more than ever right now.
Sensing there are some spiritual lessons you are here to learn or help others learn? Ready to evolve to what’s possible by getting connected to your higher consciousness? Discover and neutralize subconscious fears and limiting programmed beliefs that are controlling you. Reach out to me at Royce@RoyceMorales.com or go to my website at www.PerfectLifeAwakening.com to find out more.
I am the author of three books about my teachings: “Want: True love, past lives and other complications;” “Know: A spiritual wake-up call;” and “Back: Rebirth After Stroke,” all available on www.amazon.com