I started writing this prior to knowing the results of the recent presidential election. Now, there’s a lot more to say. Not about the election, per se. Rather about what it has triggered in us and ultimately what it can teach us. I use the word “us” because these issues are universal. Talking about them may shed some light on what you might have been feeling the past eleven days.
Without ‘beating a dead horse,’ these past few months have been a rollercoaster ride to say the least. Prior to the election, many anticipated going through turmoil, based on what happened four years ago. Some predicted a civil war between the Reds and the Blues. And countless people were certain there would be election interference.
Now, you might feel emotionally raw, in a daze of sadness, or seething with anger. Perhaps you’re trying to figure out logically what happened, possibly struggling to understand it spiritually.
Maybe you just turned off the news, fingers in your ears, declaring lalalalala.
Needless to say, dramatic events like these can take a while to completely process. Wherever you’re at is where you need to be.
As a spiritually based transformational teacher, my immediate inclination was to look at the Bigger Picture: To understand the evolutionary lessons showing up, the shifts that need to happen (and hopefully ARE happening) internally, socially, nationally and globally.
Instantly, the crux of what I’ve been teaching for over four decades hit me in the face: As long as we won’t admit that we are all the same, we won’t have to acknowledge the mirrors that others are reflecting to us, mirrors that accurately expose our suppressed, uncomfortable-but-true, denied aspects.
It’s all too easy to watch the news and find yourself saying “I would never do such horrendous things!” You define yourself as being different from “them,” or “him,” or “her,” and can site numerous examples to prove your righteous position.
By sticking with your “I’m right, you’re wrong” perspective, you miss the greatest gifts of inner growth – seeing that you are doing those things in some way in your own life. Granted, it might be a smaller, more subtle version, or you may have mastered ways to suppress it, but as I always say: Mirrors never lie.
I hear grumbling already. No one ever likes looking at mirrors, but don’t click off just yet.
Yes, Political Mirrors
Let’s talk about political mirrors, like the one that happened most every single day: Lying.
Here are some suggestions to see what sticks: How are you not being truthful? Are you needing to be right when things don’t go your way (maybe lying to yourself)? Are there lies you did as a teenager that you never cleaned up with your parents? Is your life One Big Lie as you ignore living your True Purpose?
Now, what about violence.
In what way are you acting on or inciting violence? When your dog won’t stop barking, do you reprimand him with a swift swat? Are you fighting an inner battle with an addiction, forcing yourself to stop cold turkey? In what ways are you trying to tear down rather than build up (maybe your self-confidence level)?
Even though you’re (hopefully) choosing to not act on those fear-based impulses, they are there none-the-less.
You’ve chosen to be here at this time in history for the opportunity to see those glaring mirrors. Why? In order to resolve them and evolve to who you really are. And, since nothing can heal without facing it, those mirrors come in super handy.
Those Losing Mirrors
The results of the election might have brought another level to look at: Feeling disappointed, frustrated and maybe even hopeless.
Suggested mirrors: Are you feeling futile, frustrated and disappointed in your own life in some way? Like a failure? Have you lost or given up on your dreams, goals, and visions because they’ve been a struggle?
Many are afraid that all that was accomplished is being destroyed or will be soon.
Just so you know, the above cannot happen. Things might shift around for a while; they might even look like they’re being destroyed. But the truth is, that’s often how something appears right before it comes together.
It’s like taking a jigsaw puzzle out of the box and spreading all the pieces over a table. The pieces are there, you know the image you are trying to recreate. You just need to find out where they all fit together. Patiently. One at a time.
People invariably sign up for my program when something dramatic happens in their life that shook them to their core. An alcoholic hit rock bottom; a business went bankrupt; a tragedy pushed them to seek answers; frustration with a repetitious life pattern. Or an intense spiritual experience they seek answers for.
Some had tried all kinds of band-aids and quick fixes, but nothing worked permanently. Their problems kept getting bigger.
Compare that to America. Is this country needing something “earth shattering” to wake us up? Have centuries of lofty promises, like constitutionally guaranteed freedom and equality, really been our true intention or just for show?
If nothing else, these last eight years have been an ongoing sequel exposing bigger and deeper lies.
Maybe it’s time we stop applying more and bigger band-aids since we are bleeding out.
Admitting Mirrors
Allowing your denial to come out is like popping a pimple: The gunk that oozes out eventually allows it to heal.
Looking at what others are mirroring does that. You instantly stop judging them and you feel empathy, compassion and connection. Simultaneously, you discover more of who you really are, and you empower that pimple to finally heal rather than finding thicker makeup to conceal it.
And, that, by the way, is your ultimate Higher Consciousness goal: Empathy, compassion and connection. AKA love.
We Are Doing It
Right now, we are all forging a path through darkness, looking for the light. It is there and will reveal itself when we find it within ourselves. Once we do, that light will multiply and help everyone see the way.
The most crucial and seemingly difficult part is stepping out of denial. Once you do, you will know that we are all in this together, we are not broken, and we are all the same. All of us. Regardless of political affiliation, race, religion, gender or national boundaries, all humans have the same principles; we all want the same thing: To be love and be loved.
Every time you work on your inner self, align with who you really are, remember that you are love, you are helping shift the collective consciousness. Like an erupting volcano, that energy of love spreads everywhere.
As I am constantly reminded about mirroring, when you change what’s inside of you, things change outside of you. It’s the Law.
The best part is those who choose to stay stuck in the primitive energy of fear will be unable to trigger those who have gone past it. We won’t be handing away our power. Why? Because we will feel authentically worthy of love, peace and inner joy.
And all those mirrors will shift. How can they not?
p.s. I would never imply to not take action you feel moved to take during these “interesting” transformative times. But be sure your intention is love (and look at those mirrors!)!
Royce Morales is the creator of the Perfect Life Awakening program. Her time-tested, spiritually based, life-transforming courses and private inner-enquiry sessions escort you to discover and neutralize the origins of self-sabotaging false beliefs. Royce is the author of three books about her teachings, available on Amazon. If you feel ready to break through fear-based programming so you can experience true, purposeful empowerment, reach out at Royce@RoyceMorales.com. Check out her website at www.RoyceMorales.com