Whenever I hear the 1960’s cliché “Go with the flow,” I imagine someone barreling down a waterslide, shrieking with joy, and landing kerplunk in a nice warm pool.
But what does going with the flow really mean? What does it look like in real life? And is it possible or even desirous to be moved by currents when there aren’t always soft splashdowns?
Yes, going with the flow can be scary. You must absolutely trust, trust, trust which may feel like you’re relinquishing control. Yet being out of flow is struggling to swim against the current which is certainly not being in control. Plus, it’s exhausting, frustrating and futile.
Then there’s those negative attitudes about going with the flow. Like it means you are opinionless, following the beaten path, sheepishly tailing along with the majority. It’s often labeled as being ‘wishy washy,’ conforming, complacent, spineless and even apathetic.
Many believe that life is about building muscles by paddling against the tide or even standing up to what’s going on.
Me thinks it’s a bit of both.
Flow Benefits
Let’s look at the positives. Going with the flow means not wasting time trying to change others; instead it’s working on changing yourself, your attitude, your belief system. It means going around that boulder rather than trying to plow through it. Or choosing to take a different route when traffic is bumper-to-bumper, AKA when life presents stubborn challenges.
Flow can mean asking yourself what you really need or want rather than sticking to those unbendable, insistent demands dictating in your head. It can encourage you to let go of needy expectations and trust the process.
Going with the flow symbolizes harmonizing -- being part of a chorus of voices with each tone blending in with the others, adding your uniqueness to the whole. That translates to doing what you are meant to be doing in this life, your True Purpose.
Getting sucked into hopelessness is the biggest reason you get pulled out of flow. Like feeling stuck in a bad job or unhappy marriage, believing there’s nothing better out there, not even trying to find something else. “Why bother; nothing ever works out anyway” is the attitude.
Even just knowing that nothing is ever hopeless can submerge you back into flow.
Flow and Intuition
Your higher consciousness ‘antenna,’ your intuition, is always trying to help you navigate life. It prods you (or kicks you in the butt) to go in directions you are supposed to go, and when you don’t, floundering happens.
But most people have not been formally introduced to their intuition, or if they have, they don’t 100% trust it.
Intuition is clear, insistent knowing when you’re about to do something you shouldn’t do, or saying yes to something you should say no to. It often pokes you to say something without knowing why or take a trusting leap even when you’re shaking in your boots.
Since intuition often goes counter to logic, and because you haven’t been encouraged to trust it, it is often ignored. Then, guess what? You feel out-of-whack, endlessly manipulate, struggle in fear, confusion and doubt. Things fall apart. Nothing works.
You are undeniably out of flow.
Eventually, you discover why you should have listened to that encouraging inner wisdom. I find that the more you listen, the stronger it gets and the more confident you feel trusting wherever it’s leading.
Following those intuitive pulls, even if they don’t seem reasonable, eventually things do make sense. Reasons show up. Lessons are learned. Situations resolve. Clean ups occur. Shifts happen.
Flow Means Non-Resistance
In judo you’re taught that true power is not resisting your partner’s moves. In boxing it’s learning to roll with the punches. Ballroom dancing shows that the one being led is the one in control. Lamaze teaches mindful breathing, going with the pain of labor rather than fighting it.
Sadly, humans have difficulties not resisting, AKA trusting the flow.
Once you trust the process, even when surfing what looks like unpredictable tides of life, the wave does carry you to shore. You experience that you are fully supported; that this friendly universe says YES to you all the time. Afterall, that is its job description.
Does that mean you should never make waves or rock the boat? Give up rather than stand up? Sink rather than swim?
My short answer is a definitive NO!
However, it depends on where you’re coming from when you choose to stand up. If you are coming from anger, judgmentalness, fear, needing attention or trying to prove something, then no. That just adds more resistance.
The more you are in touch with and living your Purpose, why you are here, the more you are going with the flow. Life automatically steps up to assist in that flow, providing opportunities, coincidences and even miracles.
However, in my experience, it can and often does take some odd routes and unexpected, “interesting” experiences to help you get there.
Inspired Flow
Being in the flow allows you to take inspired, consistent action and know when to let go. Flow means trusting and allowing the Universe to work for you, which it will do since it is a “Yes Machine” if you allow it.
Most importantly, feel, trust and follow the pull of your soul. Trust the direction it is destined to go. If you don’t, you’ll always be swimming upstream. Without a paddle.
Remember: On a spiritual level you have chosen this life and everything in it
You chose to be here during these monumentally challenging times. Times that are unquestionably shifting the planet.
You made that choice because you knew you were up for it. You knew it was your flow. Look at the Big Picture of your life, all you went through. Every obstacle, every challenge, every dark moment—were all part of awakening you to be in flow. To trust. To learn. To be empowered.
Then every choice you made will make sense.
Royce Morales is the creator of the Perfect Life Awakening program. These time-tested, spiritually based, life-transforming courses and private inner-enquiry sessions escort you to discover and neutralize the origins of self-sabotaging false beliefs to help you trust and go with your flow. Royce is the author of three books about her teachings, available on Amazon. If you feel ready to break through fear-based programming so you can experience true, purposeful empowerment, reach out at Royce@RoyceMorales.com. Check out her website at www.RoyceMorales.com