Does the New Year Make Promises to You?
If you were expecting yet another article about Ten Surefire Ways to Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions. Or Top Three Manifestation Tricks. Or New Year, New You, better click past.
Spoiler alert: You’re about to be reminded why the heck you chose to be here in the year 2025.
Spiritually, that is.
Even with everything going on all over the world.
Especially with everything going on all over the world.
Now that I have your attention, let’s start with my personal experience of those New Age techniques that have gone viral these last few years. Decades ago, as a confused, frustrated, looking-for-answers young adult, I desperately wanted the magical, metaphysical, New Age understanding of life to be true to its claims.
Especially the central doctrine: Maintaining a positive outlook and having positive thoughts attract positive experiences.
Trying to manifest all my worldly desires, I practiced the various suggested techniques – positive thinking, setting intentions, affirming, visualizing, vision boarding.
You name it, I tried it. Committedly, I might add.
After following the ascribed methods, not achieving any of the promised results, I sensed there was something missing. It became my Mission to discover what that was.
And I sure did.
First, New Age doctrines encourage spiritual bypass techniques. “It’s all good” and “fake-it-until-you-make-it” results in toxic positivity.
Yes, optimism and look-at-the-bright-side thinking is beneficial, but overemphasis shoves down emotions, becomes a phony act and causes numerous issues, even physically.
Clearly, attempting to put a layer of positivity over lifetimes of programming, false beliefs and suppressed guilt will not, cannot, succeed. No matter how many affirmations are chanted.
Hopefully I don’t sound too cynical. I sure learned some important spiritual truths these last four decades. Which is actually the intention of this blog!
Reminders as You Journey into 2025
If you’re reading my blogs, you are probably on a self-development path of some kind.
Hopefully, it influences your actions. Like making choices from intuition more than concern for profit or fame. Not trying to impress others with how spiritually “cool” you are. Ethically you come from understanding karma (cause-and-effect). Being authentic and loving is your underlying intention, even with those who don’t share your political persuasion or life choices.
That’s all good.
And if you aren’t there yet, don’t worry, it will happen.
However, sometimes it feels like walking a tightrope trying to integrate spirituality into your Real World. It’s challenging to unify your primitive consciousness, logical mind and spiritual truth since they aren’t the best of buddies. To say the least.
So, I gently encourage you to meditate (or at least chew on) these spiritual truths as you welcome 2025 and all that unfolds during this “interesting” time:
1. Create meaning. Everything you do is as significant and meaningful as you choose it to be. Even if you think you’re here to do something huge, trust the ripple effect -- you are changing your corner of the world constantly just by giving and receiving love in the way you are meant to.
2. Be grateful for those buttons. Whatever happens that triggers you is reflecting some denied or suppressed aspect about yourself, something you’ve done in the past that caused pain or loss. Your soul wants you to notice your buttons since they are pointing you toward mirrors. Recognize them so you can clean up and balance out what you forgot you did. That will raise your deservingness in big ways!
3. Be the Love. No matter what path you are on, coming from love is your spiritual practice and your ultimate evolutionary goal. Each person in your life presents lessons to assist you in being authentically loving, accepting and compassionate by accurately reflecting when you aren’t. I repeat: Mirrors never lie.
4. Everything interconnects. The Universe is trying to reach you all the time. Ask your higher consciousness to guide you where you are supposed to go, awaken to what you’re supposed to remember, prod you toward your True Higher Purpose. It may not show up as expected, but, as the saying goes, be careful what you ask for since you will get it!
5. You can’t fake the Universe. Going through the motions of being spiritual (AKA being a fraud) will not work. Your lack of personal integrity will be revealed in some way, so notice what happens and you just might be the Truth next time.
6. Give a hoot. Most spiritual practices emphasize the importance of tithing or taking loving action. This is not about just feeling good about yourself, but for energetic balance. If you feel strongly about a cause, a situation or a person in need, give ‘til it doesn’t hurt, as the expression goes. You will be officially ‘paying it forward’ -- if your motives are pure.
7. Walk the talk. You contribute to the spiritual growth of every person you meet just by being an example. Coming from compassion, true caring and forgiveness influences others in more ways than you may ever know. Again, it can’t be faked.
8. What ifs? Spirituality emphasizes an attitude of non-attachment. What if something important to you went away tomorrow? What if something you’re trying hard to attain never occurs? Truthfully, would your level of joy and inner peace be affected? If so, time to look deeply at your need for externals to make you happy. Cause they won’t.
9. Be present. Commit to appreciate and celebrate each moment, especially those difficult ones. You don’t want to look back with remorse and a list of gee I wish I had been fully present when (fill in the blank).
10. Trust the process. As you navigate those constant surprises that life bestows, trust there’s always a Bigger Reason why something happens. Things may not make sense until seen in retrospect, but eventually they will. Really.
Yes, the New Year does make one certain promise to you: You chose to be here during these challenging times since you knew you were up for it.
Now, it’s time to wake up.
Royce Morales is the founder of the Perfect Life Awakening, a spiritually based, time-tested program that connects you with who you really are. This profound, empowering, inner journey opens doors to discovering, unraveling and neutralizing the true origins of those hidden inner obstacles, self-sabotage and subconscious triggers holding back your life. Awaken joy, a life of meaning, a true sense of deservingness and consistent, authentic self-love.
Guess what? I’m starting a new “From Self-Sabotage to Empowerment” course on Sunday January 26th at noon Pacific Time! Interested? Email me at