For quite a while, my “Spidey Sense” has been detecting something “surprising” was about to happen. No matter what the polls said or how much money was raised or how many gaffs were uttered, I kept feeling that this election would have unexpected, startling results.
Since there was nothing logical I could see that would back my intuition, I discounted it as simply anxiety.
The feeling I was getting was reminiscent of the strong intuitive “hit” I kept receiving right before the pandemic arrived – I just knew there was a worldwide crisis looming. Unfortunately (or fortunately) I’m never “given” details about these events, just a strong, persistent knowingness. The same feeling I always get three days before an earthquake but never know where it will take place.
After Tuesday happened, I watched everyone trying to analyze all the whys, but I wasn’t shocked. Disappointed, saddened, confused, heartbroken, outraged, devastated and frustrated, yes. But simultaneously, it just confirmed my sensing.
And, like that previous microscopic virus that affected the entire planet, I immediately knew that this election would change everything in Big Ways. How could it not? Since we are all part of this situation, on some level, we chose it for Big Reasons.
Clearly, there’s more to this than just an election. It bears extraordinary gifts: Something ginormous to shake us up. Another step out of our primitive, programmed, fear-based consciousness. Our rattled cages taking us toward more empowered awakening. More and deeper connection with our Higher Consciousness, helping us evolve to a place of love rather than fear.
If nothing else is achieved, coercing the manifestation of a more spiritually based world is an immeasurable gift. Anything that helps us recognize the spiritual principles of the Universe will escort us beyond divisive dogmas.
How could it not? As I always say, it takes whatever it takes to wake us up. And our Higher Selves know exactly what they’re doing.
But a reminder: Don’t slip into spiritual bypassing. Make sure to allow yourself to feel whatever you’re feeling without judgment. Let the anger rage but don’t lash out with it. Accept the frustration but don’t drop into hopelessness. Let those tears flow and know they’re healing some very ancient incomplete pain.
Most importantly, listen to the actions your emotions want you to take from love not vengeful fear.
Now, about that anxiety
Although it might seem appropriate and even logical to feel anxious right now, know that fear does not need to control you. It’s far too easy to take up residence there which only leads to immobility, fighting or fleeing (moving to Canada anyone?).
Those fear responses have been in charge of humans forever, running us subconsciously all the time. Keep in mind that fear is not necessarily blatant or dramatic, like the feeling of doom because of this leadership change.
It’s the subtle fears that are even more powerful, like fear of being authentic, fear of taking a stand, fear of living a purposeful life, and fear of loving unconditionally.
Granted, as long as you are inhabiting a physical body there will be fears and anxiety, but it’s up to you to not elect them to be in charge.
No matter who someone voted for, on a spiritual level we are all the same. We are connected as one living, breathing soul, all deciding what we need to experience here and what’s the best way for us to evolve.
It might be tough to comprehend that while studying those red vs. blue maps. But emphasizing the word soul makes it easier to understand. Every soul is the same energy -- love -- expressed in a unique way, here to bring its contribution to the whole. No matter what that is, even if it doesn’t appear to be loving, each soul is helping us all evolve.
Understanding life that way allows comprehension of “The Butterfly Effect”: What affects one affects all. It also allows understanding of “The Hundredth Monkey Theory”: When one evolves, we all evolve.
Without that perception, you feel disconnected, which grants permission for wars and all forms of violence. If you absolutely know that you and I are one, how could you possibly hate or harm me?
You arrive rooted in that truth. However, you rapidly get caught up in this physical reality, so it’s forgotten. But that consciousness throbs within you, causing an ongoing quest to find that bigger “force” operating from behind the curtain. Eventually, as the great and powerful Wizard of Oz reminds, you look within and discover you’ve always had the power, Dorothy.
Gifts from broken pieces
Sometimes when something breaks you are given an opportunity to create something new from the pieces. Kinda like making recycled art. By losing this election we have been given a huge opening to construct something amazing: A profound collective healing and awakening.
Not by the old school way of fighting like hell. Rather, by accepting what we’ve been given and making gourmet lemonade.
This event can help accomplish what countless paths of disciplines have tried to impart: That you are responsible for your life, both as an individual and collectively. That as a spirit, you consciously chose the blueprint of this life and all the lessons it entails.
This election can help you attune to your inner world, wake you up to the subtle whispers (or swift kicks) trying to reach and guide you. It could be readying you to follow and trust your intuitive wisdom. Or block you from making choices that would ultimately not support you.
Maybe it’s an advanced course in living your True Purpose.
Miracles can abound
It’s time to understand the power of your consciousness, that all things are possible and there are endless miracles. Even if they don’t look like miracles.
It’s up to you to trust the Higher Process of life. It’s time to step away from your amnesia so you can stop feeling victimized. To know that, yes, everything DOES happen for a reason.
And to never, ever give up or go back.
Royce Morales is the creator of the Perfect Life Awakening program. These time-tested, spiritually based, life-transforming courses and private inner-inquiry sessions open you to discover and neutralize the origins of sabotaging false beliefs. Royce is the author of three books about her teachings, available on Amazon. If you feel ready to break through fear-based programming so you can experience true, purposeful empowerment, reach out at Check out her website at